سیرت النبی ﷺ کا تشبیہ کی رو سے مطالعہ
Seerat is an Arabic word which literally means to walk, to take a path, to adopt an attitude or method, to set off, to act, etc. Thus the meaning of Sirat is state, attitude, method, gait, character, trait and habit. From this in Urdu, the words construction of biography, biography, maturation of biography, good biography, bad biography and good biography etc. are used. has been used to describe For example, the names of the books, Sirat Aisha or Sirat Al-Mutakhreen, etc. The word Sirat is now only used as a term to describe all the circumstances of the blessed life of the Holy Prophet, while the use of the word Sirat for the circumstances of any other selected personality has become almost obsolete. Now, if the words like Rasul, Nabi, Prophet or Mustafa are not used along with the words like study of biography or books of biography, then every reader understands that it means the biography of the Holy Prophet. Some places are compared with these words. . Jalsa Sirat, Sirat conference, Sirat articles, Sirat numbers of newspapers and magazines, etc., are used in many words. In all these techniques, the word Sirat always means Sirat-ul-Nabi. Sometimes, due to the expression of politeness and respect, the blessed name of the Prophet ﷺ is compared with these names. Like Sirat Tayyaba, Sirat Mutahra and Sirat Pak etc.
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