عربی زبان کی فصاحت و بلاغت کے مظاہر:عہد رسالت مآبﷺ کی شاعری کا اختصاصی جائزہ Manifestations of Eloquence and Eloquence of the Arabic Language: A Specific Review of the Poetry of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) Section Islamic Literature


Hafiz Samama Tahir,Shoaib Siddique,Zahoor Elahi


The manifestations of eloquence and rhetoric    of the Arabic language are many. If you study the book of Allah, each letter of it is a proof of eloquence and rhetoric, even if we only consider it for a few words, lines, verses or a few Surahs. Keep it limited. In the same way, the precious words of pearls, jewels, rubies and corals spoken by the blessed tongue of the Holy Prophit Muhammad , the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, are proof of this. Moreover, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, himself expressed this in this way: With the words "that I was sent with the Collections of speech." Similarly, in Arabic literature, such as prose, poetry, etc., its manifestations are found in such abundance and comprehensiveness that even though it is not impossible to cover them in writing, it is definitely a difficult matter.           


How to Cite
Hafiz Samama Tahir,Shoaib Siddique,Zahoor Elahi. (2024). عربی زبان کی فصاحت و بلاغت کے مظاہر:عہد رسالت مآبﷺ کی شاعری کا اختصاصی جائزہ: Manifestations of Eloquence and Eloquence of the Arabic Language: A Specific Review of the Poetry of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). Harf-O-Sukhan, 8(2), 429-445. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/1563