سیرت نگاری میں ہندو مصنفین کی قلم آزمائی کے مقاصد


Dr.Yasmin Nazir,Samreen Ijaz


The attempts of Hindu authors in biographies may have had different purposes. Hindu writers seek to know and understand Islamic history and personalities. This interest broadens their cultural and historical consciousness. Hindu writers are interested in biographies to promote harmony and understanding between different religious faiths. This work promotes peace and brotherhood among religions. Some Hindu writers undertake biographies for scholarly and research purposes. Their research is based on a deep study of Islamic history and biography. Showing literary skills in biography can also be a goal. Hindu writers try to expand their skills in literary arts and write in different styles. Biography can be a medium of cultural exchange between Hindu and Muslim societies. This gives the two societies an opportunity to understand each other better. The aim of some Hindu writers is to bring Islamic history and biography to the general public so that people can get information about various religious figures. Explain the various reasons for engaging in biographies and highlight the importance and usefulness of his work.


How to Cite
Dr.Yasmin Nazir,Samreen Ijaz. (2024). سیرت نگاری میں ہندو مصنفین کی قلم آزمائی کے مقاصد. Harf-O-Sukhan, 8(2), 421-428. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/1549