Work-Family Conflict’s impact on children of working mothers


Saeeda Bano


The research was conducted to find out the effect of Work-Family Conflict on the children of working mothers in district Peshawar. A sample of 100 working mothers (with children between 12-17 years of age) from district Peshawar were included in the sample. Fifty of them were from urban colleges and the rest of them were from rural colleges. They were administered with Impact of WFI on children questionnaire. They were divided into upper and lower WFI groups and data were analyzed through SPSS. t-test was found to be significant at .01 level with a higher mean for upper WFI group, showing the negative impact of Work-Family Interface/Conflict’s impact on children of working mothers in district Peshawar.


How to Cite
Saeeda Bano. (2024). Work-Family Conflict’s impact on children of working mothers. Harf-O-Sukhan, 8(2), 1305-1308. Retrieved from