ڈاکٹر جمیل جالبی کی تحقیقی و تدوینی خدمات : ایک جائزہ THE SERVICES OF DR. JAMEEL JALBI AS RESEACHER & EDITOR :A REVIEW Section Urdu Literature
Dr. Jamil Jalbi is a multidimentional figure of Urdu Literature. He is renowned as Researcher, Critic, Translator, Dictionary Editor and Historian. He earned fame in all these capacities. He has profound knowledge of culture and civilization also. As Researcher and Editor he is respected as high ranked professional of the field in the country at present. He has framed primary principles for Research and Editing as a scholar. Masnavy titled “Qadam Rao Padam Rao” in Urdu Literature is believed as the marvelous example of his Research and Editing expertise. In this article researcher has made an effort to highlight the services of Dr. Jameel Jalbi as Researcher and Editor. The author has concluded that Dr. Jameel Jalbi has performed a unique and dignified task of Editing and Research regarding skillful reflection on the Masnavi above mentioned which is undeniable proof of his dignity. The writer has further concluded in this article that Research and Editorial work of Dr. Jameel Jalbi is marvelous treasure of Urdu Literature.
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