عہدفاروقی کا نظام احتساب اور عصرحاضرمیں اس کی اصلاحات کے لیے کیے گئے اقدامات کا تقابلی وتطبیقی مطالعہ


Muhammad Waris,Nazakat Hussain,Dr. Fazl Ilahi Khan


Hazrat Syedna Ameerul Momineen Farooq Azam (RA) laid the foundations of a permanent accountability department. From an ordinary person of the subjects to the members of the Sultanate, the nobles, the governors and the employees of the army, police and all other departments were accounted and they were questioned in the open court as well as individually and they were punished on the evidence of the crime. Some time ago in the Kingdom of Godgifted Pakistan, these reforms were also tried through the Hisba Bill, but due to some defencies, that bill could not be implemented; However, our accountability system needs a lot of reform at this time, so in this article, contemporary accountability laws have been reviewed in the light of Farooqui's accountability system and these sub-laws have been questioned and criticized in a principled manner. And their legitimate and possible forms have been clarified and in the light of this, suggestions have been made to solve the present-day defects and the implementation of the reforms made on the accountability system in the Farooqi period to the efforts made in the present.


How to Cite
Muhammad Waris,Nazakat Hussain,Dr. Fazl Ilahi Khan. (2024). عہدفاروقی کا نظام احتساب اور عصرحاضرمیں اس کی اصلاحات کے لیے کیے گئے اقدامات کا تقابلی وتطبیقی مطالعہ. Harf-O-Sukhan, 8(2), 250-259. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/1484