اتجاہ التأمل فی شعر ابن خفاجۃ الأندلسی The Contemplative Trend in the Poetry of lbn-e-khafagah Al- Andulusi Section Islamic Literature
The article titeld “The Contemplative Trend in the Poetry of lbn-e-khafagah Al- Andulusi” this study aims to highlight the reflective on of contemplate in poetry, especially in Ibn-e-khafajah, whose poetry has shaped meditation and philosophy in his dialogues with the mountain, the moon and the night, the poet has merged with nature to give them human anxiety to the cause of annihilation. His experience has been rich and, profound He has reflected on the mysteries of the universe and the mysteries of existence. In this analytical study it is necessary to reveal a new contemplative trend in the speech of death through the humanism of immortality. These are three examples that we try to analyze and highlight the prospects for reflection and the substantive and technical dimensions ofexperience.
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