فکرِ اعتزال اور معاصرشرعی مباحث کا تحقیقی جائزہ A RESEARCH REVIEW OF THE MU’TIZILITE THOUGHT AND CONTEMPORARY LEGITIMATE DISUSSIONS Section Islamic Literature


Khadija Noor,Hafiz Ateeq Ur Rehman


In second Hijri year a rational theology-based group came into being as Mu’tazila. They were based and flourished in Basra. This group is famous for their logical debates and spreading ambiguities among people regarding Islamic beliefs. Many opposite groups i.e. Hanbali group got risen to encounter and rectify the harm that has been happened to basic and original Islamic beliefs. But in a specific period, this stayed the most powerful rational group and was even politically imposed upon people to accept the concepts spread by them. This paper enlightens the negative impacts of Mutazilite movement in contemporary era. In this era Mu’tazila has nothing to do with the Muslims what they used to do in past. In fact, this movement is no longer alive. But still there are some conceptual delusions which have their roots in old Mu’tazila and thus such concepts need the same level of opposition and criticism. Also, the needed measures should be adopted to save Ummah from decline.


How to Cite
Khadija Noor,Hafiz Ateeq Ur Rehman. (2024). فکرِ اعتزال اور معاصرشرعی مباحث کا تحقیقی جائزہ: A RESEARCH REVIEW OF THE MU’TIZILITE THOUGHT AND CONTEMPORARY LEGITIMATE DISUSSIONS. Harf-O-Sukhan, 8(2), 35-48. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/1399