صبا اکرام کی شعری خصوصیات:ایک جائزہ


1Fouzia Shehzadi, 2Dr. Muhammad Amjad Abid, 3Saeed-Ur-Rehman, 4Naila Akhter


Poetry is one of the most beautiful branches to test human intellect because there are cultural, social, economic and political impacts on it. The job of the poet is to transfer such impacts to the people through his style. Every poet has a unique style; some express their thoughts in simple language whereas some follow symbolic approach. Whatever a person experiences, as a poet, is reflected in his writings. Saba Ikram is an important poet of modern times whose poetry is not only different from the rest of poets but there are traces of style absent in other poets. The researchers have critically examined and tried to put forward Saba Ikram’s poetic qualities such as contemporary consciousness, philosophy of acceptance and negation, global scenario, behavioral exquisiteness, and usage of symbols.


How to Cite
1Fouzia Shehzadi, 2Dr. Muhammad Amjad Abid, 3Saeed-Ur-Rehman, 4Naila Akhter. (2019). صبا اکرام کی شعری خصوصیات:ایک جائزہ. Harf-O-Sukhan, 3(4), 1-14. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/139