Current and potential role of public libraries in Pakistan for serving homeless and poor (e.g., nomads, beggars, street children)


Warda Manzoor,Prof. Dr. Iqbal Hussain Asad,Dr. Ahsan Ullah ,Sakina Aziz



One of the toughest issues in public libraries have ever faced is serving homeless. The homeless people need a way out of poverty and assistance to lessen the suffering along the way because their numbers are growing yearly. By giving information on every conceivable topic in a wide range of formats, public libraries open up new worlds to the underprivileged. The public libraries have the capacity to get access, empower and enable the poor to change their lives. It is possible to overcome the dilemma between serving the majority groups and extending services to special groups like the nomads, beggars or street children.


This study adopted a quantitative approach and used a questionnaire to explore the outreach services of public libraries for underserved users and to measure the current and future services for such users. E-mails including a link to an online survey were sent to librarians of public libraries in Punjab to collect data. Seventy-one participants responded to the survey.


Overall, the participants indicated that outreach services for nomads, beggars and street children are not currently being provided by public libraries in Punjab but respondents wanted to provide such services in future. The findings of the study revealed that public libraries in Punjab ignored nomads, beggars and street children for providing outreach services. All the respondents were of the view that public libraries should provide such services. The study indicated the need for more inclusive and welcoming library services for vulnerable and neglected segments of the society by public libraries.


They belong to one of the underserved user groups who deserve to be treated with respect. Libraries should be a safe haven and provide a stable learning environment for all users, regardless of their social and living status. Libraries have the social responsibility to promote sensitivity among the public toward the homeless and to be proactive in providing community support to the homeless.


How to Cite
Warda Manzoor,Prof. Dr. Iqbal Hussain Asad,Dr. Ahsan Ullah ,Sakina Aziz. (2024). Current and potential role of public libraries in Pakistan for serving homeless and poor (e.g., nomads, beggars, street children). Harf-O-Sukhan, 8(2), 394-406. Retrieved from