اختلاف رائے کے آداب کا فروغ :اسلامی ریاست کے کردار کا تجزیہ PROMOTION OF THE ETIQUETTES FOR DISAGREEMENT: AN ANALYSIS OF THE ROLE OF THE ISLAMIC STATE Section Urdu Literature
This research paper contains an analysis of the role of the Islamic State in promoting various etiquettes of dissent in the academic field. Of course, the presence of different elements and opportunities for disagreement in any matter of understanding and guidance helps to find new avenues of mental and culural development. Many misunderstandings can be cleared up and various fields of knowledge and thought can be expanded if the differences of opinion are ensured and respect for etiquette, decency and other ethical principles is ensured. The role of various state institutions, including the legislature, administration, judiciary, universities, religious education institutes and advisory academies, is of paramount importance in developing the ethics of dissent. The state can make this great goal possible by keeping an account of the formation of these institions and the various stages of their functioning. This research paper has been written to review the specific role of the Islamic State.