کلام احمق کے فکری و فنی زاویے:ایک مطالعہ A Study of Concepts and Art of Ahmaq’s Poetry Section Urdu Literature
The period in which Ahmaq Phaphondvi started poetry was an important period of Urdu poetry. The beginning of the 20th century experienced the fusion of classicism and modernism. On one hand, poets like Dagh Delhvi, Amir Minai, Jalil Mangpuri, Riyaz Khairabadi were moving forward with the classical tradition, while on the other hand, Hali, Akbar, Iqbal were introducing new trends to Urdu poetry. There were followers of both traditions among the contemporaries of Ahmaq Phaphondvi. Hasrat Mohani, Wehshat Kolkatvi, Jigar Muradabadi, Asghar Gondvi were followers of classical trends, on the other hand Taraqi Pasnad Tehreek and Halqa Arbab e Zauq were initialized in this era too. Before that, Akbar Ilahabadi and Iqbal had introduced Urdu poetry with new terms, techniques and trends. Thus, the combination of classicism and modernism is seen prominently in the poetry of this era. In such a poetic scenario, proving oneself as a poet was a challenge. Ahmaq Phaphondvi accepted this challenge and proved his position well. In the article under review, an attempt has been made to highlight the prominent intellectual and artistic aspects of Kalam-e-Ahmaq.

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