PLACE OF HAZRAT IMAM E HUSSAIN AMONG THE HISTORY OF MODERN SIRAIKI POETRY جدید سرائیکی شاعری کی تاریخ میں حضرت امام حسینؓ کا مقام Section English Articles
Imam Husain (A.S) is the supreme leader of Islamic History. He transformed the meanings of life and changed the course of history. He lived is a time when Falsehood was accepted as the truth. He was the man with Firm determination on the path of Justice and truth. He and his family went through many unbearable hardships for the sake of social justice. He alone stand against the evil powers of Koofi yazeed maloon. He made deep (regards for poor, distress and needy. He showed great courage in the battle of Karbala on October 10, 680 (10 Moharam 61 A.H). Incident of Karbla is touched upon in different languages poetic literature. Siraiki Wasaib’s modern poets have touched upon it in such a manner that it seems the story of distress and helpless people of their own native land.