د حمزه بابا په ناول " نوې چپې" کښې شامل سياسي ګوندونه : يوه تجزيه Analysis of Political Parties Included in Hamza Baba Novel “Nave Chapi” Section Pashto (پشتو)
Hamza Baba novel “Nave Chape” is a noteworthy endeavor in fiction of Pashto. Though mostly literary circles remembering Hamza Baba as great poet but indeed, his prose contribution is too high as the peak of TATARA. In the under discussion piece is, Hamza Baba written single novel, which surrounding his theme of life and political philosophy. The main idea of the novel is a debate on the political situation just after the partition of sub-continent. As philosophical mind, Hamza Baba not only dig ousted the root causes of political instability and depriving of Pashtoon but the same time presented a solution to such issue, with such concrete arguments, which may be acceptable to all school of thought.
In this paper I will analyze the political parties brought under the discussion in said novel. This will help in understanding the history and manifesto of included political parties. At the same time this will make enable the public to understand how to influence on party leadership for needed modification, keeping in view the current circumstances.

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