المقارنة بین العصر الجاهلي والإسلام والحاضر في رذائل الأخلاق الحربیة Comparison between Pre-Islmic Period, Islam and Present age in Vices of War Moralities Section Islamic Literature


الدکتور محمد زید لکهوي


It is a common perception that the man has gradually developed himself with passage of time in social system and law. A man of presentage claims to be better in all aspects of human life as compared to the man of ancient times. But the events accured during wars of last two centuries in common and the twenty first century especially not only refutes this claim but also portray a very gloomy and shameful picture of human war ethics. Facts and fiqures about reasons, events and results of present time wars show that the man today is more barbaric, ruthless, lawless and distructive than the man of old ages. In spite of formulation of many internation charters of human rights for before, during and after the war scenarios, wars of current times have proven that that the rule of “might is right” is prevailing everywhere more severly than before as no international human rights charter is being resprcted. This fact has made the war today more horrible than ever. This article is aimed to give a brief comparison of immoral war behaviors between pre-Islamic period and modern times to compel the man of current era to realize his responsibilityto make the human society better than before in respect of peace, human rights and implementation of humanitarian laws.  


How to Cite
الدکتور محمد زید لکهوي. (2024). المقارنة بین العصر الجاهلي والإسلام والحاضر في رذائل الأخلاق الحربیة: Comparison between Pre-Islmic Period, Islam and Present age in Vices of War Moralities. Harf-O-Sukhan, 8(1), 657-672. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/1295