Countering Extremism: The Role of Muslims in Promoting Peace and Tolerance


Dr Ghulam Rasul Zahid


The rise of extremism and terrorism in the name of Islam has become a pressing global issue, leading to negative perceptions of the religion and fueling Islamophobia. In response to this challenge, many Muslims are actively engaged in countering extremism and promoting peace and tolerance within their communities. This abstract will explore the role of Muslims in addressing extremism, highlighting initiatives and efforts aimed at promoting a more peaceful and tolerant understanding of Islam. It will examine the importance of challenging extremist narratives, fostering interfaith dialogue, and promoting values of compassion and understanding. By showcasing the proactive role of Muslims in countering extremism, this abstract aims to shed light on the positive contributions of the Muslim community towards building a more harmonious and inclusive society.Top of Form


How to Cite
Dr Ghulam Rasul Zahid. (2024). Countering Extremism: The Role of Muslims in Promoting Peace and Tolerance. Harf-O-Sukhan, 8(2), 76-86. Retrieved from