اُردونظم میں سرائیکی تہذیب و ثقافت Reflection of Saraiki culture and civilization in Urdu poem. Section Urdu Literature
The lovely and rich Saraiki culture, civilization, and way of life that have been depicted in Urdu literature are examined and unearthed in this essay. Saraiki culture and civilization, with its lovely customs, values, and lively scent, are beautifully portrayed in Urdu literature, particularly poetry. Because of its lovely language, alluring rituals, rich traditions, and exquisite ways of living, Saraiki culture is quite unique. Urdu poets have skillfully woven all these lovely elements into their poetry. Poets have used exquisite language to depict Saraiki culture and daily life. This study investigates how Urdu poetry and Saraiki culture are related through a thorough analysis of several Urdu poems. Urdu literature is resonant with the rich and diverse Saraiki culture; themes like love, care, hospitality, pain, human sufferings, loss, nostalgia, social norms, resilience, passion, love for traditions, and celebrations of local traditions give rise to the substance of analysis. Through an analysis of the meaning underlying these poetic narratives, this research reveals a deeper relationship between Urdu literature and Saraiki culture. Saraiki culture has been woven into literary works as a love narrative because of its rich heritage and varied beauty.

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