اسلام و مسیحیت میں مشترکات :اخروی نجات کے عقائد کا اختصاصی مطالعہ COMMONALITIES BETWEEN ISLAM AND CHRISTIANITY: A SPECIAL STUDY OF ESCHATOLOGICAL BELIEFS. Section Islamic Literature


*Hafiz Muhammad Ahmad, **Kaneez Fatima Yousaf, ***Asma Noreen


This study examines the shared eschatological beliefs between Islam and Christianity, focusing on the concept of ultimate salvation. Both religions envision a final reckoning and a divine resolution to human history. Through an exploration of key theological texts and traditions, this research highlights the similarities in the eschatological narratives of Islam and Christianity, emphasizing the universal themes of judgment, redemption, and the ultimate destiny of humanity. By recognizing these commonalities, this study seeks to foster greater understanding and dialogue between adherents of these two major world religions.


How to Cite
*Hafiz Muhammad Ahmad, **Kaneez Fatima Yousaf, ***Asma Noreen. (2024). اسلام و مسیحیت میں مشترکات :اخروی نجات کے عقائد کا اختصاصی مطالعہ : COMMONALITIES BETWEEN ISLAM AND CHRISTIANITY: A SPECIAL STUDY OF ESCHATOLOGICAL BELIEFS. Harf-O-Sukhan, 8(1), 647-656. Retrieved from https://harf-o-sukhan.com/index.php/Harf-o-sukhan/article/view/1280