سید رفیق حسین کے افسانوں میں جانوروں کی نفسیات
Rafiq Hussain is a lesser known but very important and unique name of Urdu fiction. He took an individual path in the field of fiction. Therefore, he cannot be called a fiction writer of any one movement or trend. Rafique Hussain kept the subject of all his fiction related to understanding the life and psychology of animals. The psychology and habits of animal wildlife have been closely observed in your fiction, it is not found in Urdu fiction before. It seems that the fiction writer is a zoologist. In this article, after an analytical study of this dominant aspect of fiction writer, it has been concluded that Rafiq Hussain is a successful fiction writer in terms of understanding animal habits, psychology and their meaningful relationship with human life.The formalities of fiction have also been used along with the sciences of psychology for the interpretation and interpretation of this topic. Rafique Hussain has only one collection of fiction, yet each of his fiction brings out some individual aspect of the biological life of animals. Such a diverse and meaningful presentation of animals to the fiction writer proves him to be a successful and unique fiction writer of his kind.

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