امام بخاری ؒکا منہج تفسیر: حافظ ابن حجرؒ اور امام عینی ؒکا نقطہ نظر(سورۃ آل عمران کانموذجی مطالعہ) Study of Manhaj e Tafsir of Imam Bukhari (R.A): Hafiz Ibn Hajar and Imam Aini's approach (Exemplary Study of Surat Aal-Imran) Section Islamic Literature
Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismail Bukhari (194-256 AH) is a renowned scholar, muhadith of third century AH. Muslim umah accepted the Sahih-ul-Bukhari as the most significant book after the Holy Quran. This paper presents a study on the style of tafsir ul Quran of Imam Bukhari in his book Sahih-ul-Bukhari.Commentaries of Hafiz Ibn Hajar and Al-aini "What is the exemplary study of selected surah in the light of Fath al-Bari and Umdatul-Qari, what is the methods and principles of Imam Bukhari's interpretation in the established chapter of the book of al-Tafseer of Sahih al-Bukhari" In the 9th century AH, Ibn Hajar Asqalani and Imam al-Aini achieved a high position in the history of Prophetic ﷺ hadith. Both commentators worked very hard in (Book of Hadith) Sahih al-Bukhari. Imam Bukhari has some proper & common basic rules of tafsir ul Quran bil Quran, tafsir ul Quran bil Hdith. Tafsir ul Quran bil aqwal e sahaba waattabein & his trusting on lught ul Aarabiya & aqwal Aarabiya. Imam Bukhari implements both styles & manhaj of tafsir that is tafsir bil rai & tafsir bil mathur which proves the fact that Imam Bukhari supports the style of tafsir bil rai mahmood.The book “tafsir ul Quran” of the Sahih ul Bukhari is most comprehensive book among the books of Tafseer of Hadith due to its abundance of content and on the basis of many characteristics and features. This book is considered superior to other many books of Hadith. Many ulom ul Quran can be collected from the book of tafsir ul Quran for example: Ilm ul Qirat, Ilm Sabab e Nzol, Ilm Makki & Madni, Gharib ul Quran, Nasikh Mansokh, Aqwal e Arab etc.

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