اسلامی قانون میں تصور اجتہاد : مفاہیم و اصطلاحات کا توضیحی مطالعہ Islamic Jurisprudence: A Lexical Exploration of the Notions and Nuances of Ijtihad Section Islamic Literature
In the terminology of jurisprudence, "doing one's best to obtain the dominant opinion about something from the rulings of the Shari'ah in such a way that it is not possible to consider it further is called ijtihad" as if any effort which is about non-specific issues. It is done to find a Shariah solution, ijtihad. And if such an effort is collective, that is, it is under a government or non-government organization, it is called collective ijtihad. Today, along with the development of science and technology, the scope of every knowledge has become so wide that it has become impossible for a mujtahid and faqih to develop expertise in every field of knowledge, let alone cover its beginnings. Moreover, there will be many scholars who have access to various sciences and arts related to jurisprudence (religion), but the knowledge of collective and human sciences and issues related to jurisprudence (the world) is almost non-existent among scholars. The problems we face cover all areas of individual and collective life. It is almost impossible for a scholar alone to understand these diverse problems in the true sense and provide their solution in the light of Sharia. Therefore, today it is felt necessary. Instead of the individual ijtihad efforts of scholars, the work of ijtihad should be promoted at the collective level.

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