مقبولِ عام اردو ادب: نشر و اشاعت کے ذرائع POPULAR URDU LITERATURE: SOURCES OF PROMOTION AND PUBLICATIONS Section Urdu Literature
Different sources were used in different eras for the promotion and publication of popular Urdu literature. In ancient times, popular Urdu literature used to reach the masses through storytelling (dastan goee) , old indian stage drama types like notaki, rahas, naqali, sports spectacles and religious and social events. The practice of these social promotions of literature remained common for a long time even after the availability of paper and in view of the interest and tastes of the people, they continued to change from generation to generation. Tales were presented in the form of prose as well as poetry likely in genre of masnawi. Islamic ideological trends began to gain momentum in religious ceremonies and genres such as Hamd o Naat and Qawwali gained popularity in the gatherings of Soofia. Notanki, rahas and other old social drama types took the form of stage plays. In the early period of print media, the religious magazines of Soofia, the Masnavis and collections of poets gained popularity at the public level. During the rule of the British government, the broadcasting and publication of Urdu literature along with other sciences also accelerated. The series of publishing of old fiction, poetry collections, novels, short stories and other new genres of literature etc also started, which received great acceptance among the public. Its demand was increasing day by day. In the same era, the practice of broadcasting of popular Urdu literature through film, radio and later television became common, which is still ongoing. Nowadays, the Internet is also an important source of promotion and publishing of popular Urdu literature, where popular Urdu literature is brought to the public through numerous websites and social media platforms.

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