ریاستِ مدینہ: دستور، معاشرت، معیشت اور نظامِ حکومت کا منہج، عصرِ حاضر میں انطباق کی راہیں State of Madinah: Constitution, Society, Economy and System of Government, Ways of Adaptation in Modern Times Section Islamic Literature
This article delves into the historical significance of the State of Medina, established by Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) in 622 CE. It analyzes its foundational elements, including the pioneering Miṣāq al-Madīnah (Constitution of Medina), which championed principles of equality and religious tolerance. The unique societal fabric, where Muslims, Jews, and others coexisted peacefully, is examined. The article further explores the state's governance structure, which some consider a blend of theocratic and democratic elements. Finally, it delves into the State of Madinah's enduring relevance in the modern era, proposing it as a potential model for fostering just, equitable, and inclusive societies.

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