Self Esteem, Tolerance for Disagreement and Fear of Negative Evaluation among College Students
In a multicultural society like Pakistan having disagreements and fear of negative evaluation is a common problem faced by many students. Keeping in view the importance of the issue, this research was designed to assess self-esteem, tolerance for disagreement and fear of negative evaluation among University students.
The present study was conducted to explore the relationship between self-esteem, tolerance for disagreement and fear of negative evaluation among university students.
A cross sectional research method was applied. The sample for current research study was university students. Sample size intended for current study was 126 (65 male participants and 61 female participants). Age range of the sample was 18-35. Rosenberg self-esteem scale, Tolerance for Disagreement Scale, established by Teven et al. (1998) and Brief Fear of negative evaluation scale (BFNE) were used. Ethical considerations were strictly followed.
Results indicated negative association between tolerance for disagreement and fear of negative evaluation. Similarly there was negative association between self-esteem and fear of negative evaluation.
It can be concluded that the university students who have higher level of self-esteem and high degree of tolerance for disagreement are less fearful of negative evaluation. The regression analysis also revealed that tolerance for disagreement and self-esteem was a significant negative predictor of fear of negative evaluation. Independent sample t-test results have shown that males were found to be higher on tolerance for disagreement than female students whereas, female student were found to be higher on fear of negative evaluation as compared to male students.

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