اسلام میں معاشی ترقی و منصوبہ بندی اور دورِ جدید میں استفادہ کی صورتیں ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING IN ISLAM AND FORMS OF UTILIZATION IN MODERN TIMES Section Urdu Literature
What a person gets in this world is not earned, it is the grace of Allah, whether he is sitting in a shop, he has plowed the field, he has worked hard, but the requirement of faith is that what he got Consider it as a gift from Allah and His grace, if you consider it as the fruit of your hard work, then you will give your right to own it, but if you consider it as the grace of Allah, then you will consider it as your right as much as Allah has determined. What is the legitimate right of man? Only as far as its requirements are concerned, these are also specified in certain hadiths.
A: If two meals are available.
B: If there is a roof to cover the head.
A: If there are two pairs of clothes to wear.
D: And to protect his character, morals and chastity if he has got a wife.
So you have got your basic right and what is more than that is not yours, it is the right of others, convey it to those who do not have it and then understand that you have retired from the burden of this trust of the poor. which was added to your wealth for the purpose of examination and this is actually the point where the whole philosophy of Qul-ul-Afu is to be punctuated. The need has been fulfilled, your right has been fulfilled, now what you have in excess is legally yours, but not really yours. As if it were a complete system, ownership and surplus-value and even the consumption of such surplus-value are fixed. For example, a person is employed, he gets a salary that meets his needs and some capital has accumulated with him. Investing in business and increasing this capital on the basis of his labor (he himself will not work hard because he is employed elsewhere) this will also be considered as Rabu on this spiritual level because on this spiritual and moral level But the only use of this surplus capital is to make it the owner of the needy and the poor, to give it to those who are deprived, or who do not have the basic capital for business, as if the surplus capital is more Creating a source of income is legally permissible, but in spiritual and moral education it is included in the list of prohibitions

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