اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں اولادکی تعلیم وتربیت کا علمی وتحقیقی جائزہ Educational and Researchable study of children’s education and training in the light of Islamic Teachings Section Islamic Literature
Islam is the only religion that commands the correct education of children, the biggest duty of parents is in the education of children. For the best education of children, parents are ordered to show high morals, moderation and compassion through Shariah orders. Shariah considers children as a source of human values and survival. The proper training of children has an effect on the whole house and family. Among the valuable feelings that Allah has placed in the hearts of parents are mercy, tenderness, love and compassion for children. Clarifying the responsibilities of parents in the light of Islamic teachings is the requirement of the present time. Children are the best manifestation of the extension and characteristics of human personality. They are also a source of security In Islam, good upbringing of children is an important duty for parents. The meaning of training from the Shariah point of view is that a person should be trained in such a way that the bad habits in his personality are gradually eliminated and the right habits are developed, such as avoiding dishonesty, lying, envy, backbiting, etc. The first duty of parents is to give the children such an education that does not make them stray from their religion and gisve them such a training that makes them appreciate their elders. In this article suggested the responsibilities of parents for the proper trainings of their children’s in the light of Islamic teachings in descriptive research method.

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