ڈپٹی نذیر احمد کی ناول نگاری میں مشرقی و مغربی کشمکش EAST AND WEST CONFLICT IN DEPUTY NAZIR AHMED'S NOVEL WRITING Section Urdu Literature
Indian Muslims faced a great cultural crisis with the domination of British rulers and the fall of Mughal Emprise. Deputy Nazir Ahmad reflected this dilemma with great skill in all his novels. Every conqueror nation leaves deep cultural effects upon conquered nation. Similarly, British culture and traditions influenced Indian Muslims in every filed of life. Modern British culture started dominating Muslims tradition rapidly. Muslims leaders became worried to see the downfall of their traditions and started looking for the salvation of their real identity. Deputy Nazir Ahmad is an important personality among these Muslims leaders, who threw light upon this issue in his novels and tried to present the solution to overcome this conflict. Mirat-ul-Uroos, Binat-ul-Nash, Toba-tun-Nasuh and Ibn-ul-Waqat are well known novels in which he also laid great stress on the education of young Muslims generation particulars the girls because he considered females responsible for the development of true cultural society. He took his characters from the average families of that age and described the prevailing Muslims cultural conflict through daily life incidents. He showed how dominating British traditions affected Muslims in their social, cultural, religions and economic conditions of life. Deputy Nazir Ahmad is not the sole practitioner of Muslims values, rather he supports the positive aspects of Modern traditions too. He considers English education essential along with Islamic traditions, in order to progress in the modern age. In short, Deputy Nazir Ahmad seeks solution of this cultural conflict in a adopting both the cultures in balanced manner.

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