Ecosustainability through Transitivity: An ecolinguistic analysis of Marine Discourses in Pakistani English Newspaper Dawn (Jan 2019- Dec 2022)
This study attempts to investigate how marine discourses are represented linguistically in the English-language Pakistani newspaper Dawn. Transitivity processes, which were taken from Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar (1984), serve as the study's analytical tool. There are both qualitative and quantitative components to this study. Ten news stories about marine discourses were examined from the Dawn Newspaper, which served as the source of the data. Purposive sampling was the method utilized in this study to analyze news articles about marine issues. According to the results, verbs that are 80% material, 70% behavioral, 10% mental, 75% relational, 85% linguistic processes, and 30% existential have all been examined. According to analysis, the transitivity process is a way for people to develop their experiences and viewpoints about ongoing marine issues through their behaviors, attitudes, sentiments, and viewpoints.

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