اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں گانا و موسیقی کی حرمت ومذمت : تحقیقاتی جائزہ
This article is written about the sanctity and condemnation of singing and music. Allah Almighty did not create man in vain so that he spends his beautiful and precious life in useless and meaningless activities. The meaning of Allah's statement in the Holy Qur'an is: And I have created the jinn and mankind only that they may worship Me. If a person descends into the river of music, it is obvious that he goes far away from worship. Music is not a favourite practice in Islam, that is why music has been condemned. We are servants and he is our lord, when the lord imposes orders on his servants, what is the right of the servant to refuse to carry out the orders. However, Allah Ta'ala explains to His servants in different ways, and in the same way, He (peace be upon him) has prohibited the Ummah from music and blood and games in different ways on different occasions, so that people refrain from indecent acts. Show both ways, reward and punishment, encourage good deeds again and again and forbid bad deeds, one of the bad deeds is music, which has been mentioned in verses of the Qur'an and countless hadiths about forbidding it.

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