ناول "ٹیڑھی لکیر کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Ismat Chaghatai is a reflection of the modern age. In her novel, she has explained the psychological conditions, the mental conflict, deforestation, and the oppression of the time. In addition, she was a painful, good-mannered, and brave woman. She was familiar with the realities and mysteries of life and was an expert at adapting these bitter realities of life in the form of stories with her skills. She had contemporary consciousness, so her observations. In this paper, her experiences and understanding of the depth of human psychology, human faces, hypocrisy, and rebelliousness have been discussed and explored. Ismat paves the way for the revolution with her writings. Whether it is the question of freedom from sexual exploitation of women or a new concept of free life, the mention of love failure, the expression of emotions, the flavor of language, speech, or charm, the effectiveness of lips, and the tone of the realistic expression of innocence. Hence, her writings reflect the dimensions of beauty discussed, but at the same time, the mixture of romantic feelings also plays an important role in her writings.She is included among the three great names who have taken account of their society with the power of the pen. Munshi Prem Chand, Manto, and Ismat use rebellious styles in fiction, novels, radio, TV, film, and drama, but Ismat's writing is quite unique and prominent. She is not a great writer, but her style of narration is very subtle, interesting, charming, surprising, and pleasing to the reader's desire. It is not possible to deny her artistic power of expression. In this regard, her refinement of language, boldness of speech, and taste are rarely found in any other female writers of Urdu literature. Consequently, my reason is that neither Ismat imitates anyone nor other female writers could compare with her.

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