اسرارالحق مجازؔ کی شاعری پر الطاف حسین حالی ؔ کے اثرات
Altaf Hussain Hali was a well known Urdu poet and the first Urdu critic who criticized poetry, particularly Urdu ghazal, and gave suggestions to modernize it. He was a trend setter Urdu poet. He not only set new rules in poetry, particularly in Urdu ghazal, but he himself abide by the rules in his poetry. Altaf Hussain Hali affected the poets with his modern poetry. A large number of poets, including Israr-ul-Haq Majjaz, could not keep themselves away from the Hali's influences. Israr-ul- Haq Majjaz was a romantic and progressive poet. Besides this, he was affected by Hali's modern poetry. We can see Hali's thoughts i.e betterment of human, forgiveness of sins, motivation etc. in his poetry. This article deals with Hali's influences in Israr-ul-Haq Majjaz's poetry.

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