قومی سیرت "رحمۃ للعالمین" اتھارٹی کا قیام اغراض و مقاصد اور تحقیقات کے لیے لائحہ عمل کا جائزہ Establishment of the National Seerat رحمۃ للعالمین Authority and review of the action plan for the Investigation Section Islamic Literature
Thanks to the restructuring of Islamic sciences and social sciences, "biographical studies" has become a regular field, under this, a lot of work has been done for its dissemination and publication in the country's universities and research has been presented in view of contemporary requirements. One of the academic, Pakistani and research works that is being done from various angles and dimensions for the broadcasting of Seerat studies is the establishment of Seerat biographical chairs in national universities. Scholars know that the main purpose of any chair towards which His teachings are attributed to the chair and his teachings have to be made feasible in terms of various research aspects. Tahtaddua " وَاِنْ تُطِيْعُوْهُ تَهْتَدُوْا." Hafiz Ibn Qayyim writes in “Zad al-Ma'ad fi Hadi Khair al-Abad” that Hazrat Ayesha's decree " كان خلقہ القرآن" was written. Acquiring the knowledge of the Prophet's life is obligatory on every Muslim. Because happiness is based on the guidance and guidance brought by the Messenger of Allah. To achieve this happiness, to solve problems, analyze and plan for the future, the establishment of Sirah Chairs in universities in Pakistan, goals and objectives and thoughtful thoughts. What has been the role of tact and problem identification and how can this work be further enhanced. It has been presented in the form of a review of literature. It is hoped that the people in charge of Seerat Chairs will consider this solution and will consider it as a blessing and will be helpful and supportive in advancing this mission and mutual connections, coordination and academic cooperation will also be developed. In this paper, basically, the process plan for the establishment, purposes and objectives and investigation of the National رحمۃ للعالمین for the Worlds Authority will be provided to work at every national level on the biography of the Prophet ﷺ so that it can be worked on effectively.

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