The aim of this research is to find the relationship between work life balance and use of Technology: Perceptions of elementary school teachers. It was a descriptive quantitative research. Correlational research design will be followed. The population of this study was consisted of male and female teachers of government schools of Lahore at elementary level. The sample of the present study was hundred government school teachers who were teaching at elementary level. The number of male and female teachers was 400. Then twenty five schools were selected by the process of random sampling. Two five point Likert type questionnaires were constructed for collection of data from teachers. The reliability value was 0.85 and 0.91. It was measure by using Cronbach Alpha Method. Prior to data collection, formal permission from the heads of the schools was sought by showing the official permission letter of the university to which the researcher belongs and the purpose of the study was indicated to observe research ethics. The researcher administered the questionnaires in the selected schools for the collection of data. The teachers were asked to carefully read the statements and tick the relevant option of their choice of the given scale. Questionnaires were collected back on the same day. It took eight days to collect the data. SPSS method was used to interpret responses of teachers for the analysis of data. Data was analyzed in the form of mean scores and t-test. After the analysis and interpretation of data, it was presented in chapter four. Findings were made and conclusions were drawn on the basis of findings.

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