کلمات الشرط و استعمالاتھا عند النحاۃ و اللغویین
The article entitled: Conditional Words and their use by grammarians and linguists is a lingual and syntactical study of Arabic Language .First of all, importance of the Arabic Language has been described in the begging of this article then definition of these conditional words has been described in this article. Keeping in view the importance of these words in Arabic Grammar, the article has become very important .Types of these conditional words have been mentioned in this article with specially reference of eminent Arabic lingual scholars like as Sybway, Al-zmakhshary Ibn Manzor Al Afreeqi and Al Faraheedy. Examples from original sources have been described in this article in a very impressive style. The article would be very useful and beneficial for the scholars of Arabic language and literature. Keeping in view the importance of Arabic language, the discussion is very informative to fulfill the requirements of contemporary Arabic scholar. The article is derived from major sources of Arabic studies. Detailed discussion regarding the title has been described in this article. The article is divided into three parts, definition of these conditional words and second part is special for types of these words and third part consist on examples to explain these words.

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